“And he (among the Jinn) who had some knowledge of the Book said: “I will bring it before the twinkling of your eye.” When he saw the throne placed firmly beside him, he (Sulayman) cried out: “This is by the grace of my Lord so that He may test me whether I give thanks for (His Bounty) or act with ingratitude. When Allah blessed Prophet Sulayman alaihis salam with His choicest and exclusive blessings, this Prophet of gratefulness uttered this statement acknowledging the favours of His Lord upon him. هذا من فضل ربّي is found mentioned only once in the Qur’an. Or you have it hung at your home too! Today let us try to understand what exactly this so popular Qur’anic phrase mean, Inshaa’Allah. You may have seen it aesthetically fixed in some prominent place at a Muslim home. Some of you must have seen this Qur’anic phrase beautifully printed as wall hangers, photo frames, stickers etc.
Haza Min Fadhli Rabbee هذا من فضل ربّي is a very popular statement.